Gabrielle Bisset

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

#WIP Wednesday #amwriting

Welcome to another WIP Wednesday! These weeks are flying by, I swear. Before I get to the work in progress, I want to tell everyone that Blood Betrayed is featured at Kindle Spice today, so head on over and show Saint some love.

Onto what I've been working on.  Progress continues to be made on Blood Spirit, and I've been working feverishly on that to make sure it's ready for the editor by the end of July. However, I have also been working on Vampire Dreams Revamped, which I'm happy to say is in the editor's hands already. I'm looking at a July release for that.

But back to Blood Spirit. Although the book's romance is about Terek and Ilona, I put a picture up of Thane on the Sons FB page (and mine too) with the mention that he'd be important as the series continued. Today's WIP Wednesday is dedicated to him since he's begun to play a large part in Blood Spirit.

Thane is one of two Sons who is in charge of deciphering the Prophecy of Idolas. Unlike Ramiel, the other Son he works with on this who can be vicious (it's the Visogoth barbarian in him), Thane is a sweetheart. The quiet Son, he's been a vampire longer than Vasilije and Saint and while he can take care of himself (he's 6'3 and built like the man in the picture above), he's not violent like Ramiel.

Because he's quiet, he's not very close to any of the Sons. He works with them, but that's really it. The one soul at the monastery that he's become close to is Sasa.  Her ability as an empath allows her to sense what others might not and when Sasa needs a friend, Thane is there for her.

When I was looking for pics that resemble Thane, I found this one and knew it was perfect. Sweet, with kind brown eyes, he's a gentle giant. Not to worry, though. He'll have more than enough opportunity to show those Archons not to mess with him when his chance comes. He's a Son of Navarus, after all.


Unknown said...

i really like how we are slowly finding out what all the sons are like, its nice that they are all quite different but, with a common cause. he looks absolutely yummy,and nice with it. cant wait to meet his heroine